Talk & Move is a unique programme that supports children's speech, language, and emotional development through movement.
The programme targets the three prime areas of the EYFS Framework and Development Matters.
The Talk & Move Programme is as fun as it is beneficial, with 29 cards, 29 sounds, and 29 moves to explore!
The Talk & Move Programme was founded by Helen Guntrip, a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist for over 20 years.
Talk & Move is holistic, it combines Helen's extensive experience of supporting children's communication skills with her knowledge of children's yoga and mental health.
Helen has a wealth of experience in early intervention and has worked for many years supporting preschools, nurseries, and primary schools.
Helen has helped hundreds of families and educators to develop their children’s confidence and communication skills.
Teaching yoga has taught her that children need to move and have fun to enable them to listen and learn.
What do schools, preschools and parents say about
The Talk & Move Programme?
“It’s taught us a
range of strategies that we can use to help the children relax and feel calm.”
“Talk & Move is a
perfect introduction to phase one phonics for the children in our setting.”
“We have loved the
Talk & Move course and enjoy doing all the moves together at home”
“She loves getting the cards out and doing the moves. It’s such a fun way to develop so many skills”
Each Talk & Move card has a picture of the move on the front and the sounds, words, syllables, and rhymes linked to the move on the back.
The Talk & Move cards support adults to help children to manage their emotions through co-regulation.
The cards are divided into 3 different categories - Active, Balancing, and Calming cards.
Active movements aim to energize children, balancing moves help their co-ordination and develop concentration, and calming moves help children to relax.
Would you like to learn how to
use this holistic programme?
Helen offers courses and training for parents, schools, early years settings, and home educators.
Whether you are a parent looking to support your child’s language and emotions or an educator wanting to bring new techniques into your classroom, the Talk & Move Programme is a fantastic resource.
For more information or to discuss your training needs email
Talk & Move meets the criteria
for the PE and sport premium funding
Use your pupil premium funding
to introduce Talk & Move
to your setting
The Talk & Move Programme helps to develop children’s speaking and listening through movement.
By hearing and having fun with the sounds in words, syllables and rhyme children develop their phonological awareness.
This supports their pre-literacy skills and their reading and spelling.
The programme simultaneously enables children to experience a range of movement: crawling, jumping, hopping, balancing and resting.
Core stability, balance and co-ordination are essential for children to be able to dress themselves, sit comfortably, concentrate, draw and write.
Children and adults love this programme! Children enjoy the classes and are eager to share the sounds and moves they've learned.
The Talk & Move cards provide parents and staff with a tool box of movements that can be used throughout the day to help their children to regulate their emotions.
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to Talk & Move
To discuss your training needs
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